- Written by bill
- Published: 15 Nov 2020

How do you find customers for your small business? That is probably the Number One question Ron Sturgeon is asked as he travels the world speaking to entrepreneurs and CEO’s, and in his book “How To Salvage Millions From Your Small Business,” Ron gives you practical and proven tips and suggestions which you will find invaluable. We highly recommend that you buy the book as soon as possible. Your bottom line cannot wait for your delay. In fact, the second edition, “How To Salvage More Millions from Your Small Business,” contains over 160 practical tips on how to do exactly that. Contact us for more information. We can help you with strategic planning.
So, in a nutshell, how do you find customers for your small business? Let’s look at four concepts which are touched upon in Ron’s books:
- Advertising
- Network referrals
- Strategic alliances
- Event marketing
Smart Advertising
You all know about advertising. You are all bombarded with it daily. One study suggested that the average person is in contact with over three-hundred advertisements daily, and quite frankly that number sounds low. The ways to advertise are practically endless, from direct mail to television to radio to billboards. But smart advertising is understanding how to get the biggest bang for your buck. It is understanding how best to reach your target audience, something which is crucial for a small business. The last thing the owner of a small business, with a small budget, wants to do is waste money advertising when he/she does not have money to waste.
The Joy of Referrals
“My buddy over at ABC Store sent me to you guys. He said you do the best printing at the best price, so here I am!”That kind of marketing/advertising is called a referral, and it is priceless . . . literally priceless. Referrals originate from networking and forming alliances with other business people, so become active in your business community and the community will work for you.
Let the other guy work for you
Piggyback on the efforts of others and the events of others. Find related businesses which deal with product on the periphery of your business. For instance, a web designer will run into customers in need of content writers. Those are the people you want to be hanging with at industry events.
409 small business events
Mr. Sturgeon has also written a book titled “409 Low Cost Events” that will bring you customers in any economy. Read this book and you will come away with ideas directly related to your business, ideas which will directly affect and increase your bottom line.
About the author
Ron Sturgeon is somewhat of a legend in the Fort Worth/Dallas area, and he is known worldwide for his business acumen. Ron at one time, in high school, found himself penniless and homeless. He went from that dire situation to his current situation of multi-millionaire and highly-sought after business guru. He is known as Mr. Mission Possible, a name which reflects his positive attitude towards business, and his conviction that any good idea can succeed if enough knowledge and practical application of winning strategies are applied.
Buy Ron’s books sooner rather than later. Your small business will see immediate positive results if you do.